LRF Assistance For Families

Every parent deserves knowledge, every child deserves hope

The Leila Rose Foundation is dedicated to assisting families affected by Rare Childhood Cancer. We offer support and guidance to families when faced with the painful reality that little may be known about the cancer affecting their child. With possibly no known cure available, the foundation assists families to ensure that they have a complete understanding of their child’s cancer, the treatment process and available treatment options so that they feel empowered to make informed choices about their child’s health.

Assistance offered by the Leila Rose Foundation is diverse and ranges from supporting families with the practical responsibilities associated with tackling a rare disease to seeking secondary or specialist intervention in addition to researching global treatment advances for like cancers.

Family Support Coordinator

Dedicated family support coordinator available to assist the families after a diagnosis and throughout treatment

Best Doctors Association Review

A review by Leading Medical Practitioners from around the world.

Financial Support

Up to $2500 per year for up to 2 years Essential Living Costs Local Medical and Allied Health

LEILA ROSE FOUNDATION ASSISTS LITTLE VINCENT .. and seeks personal and business donors to help many more families in crisis.

From Vincents mum, Jo;

“In March 2021 our world was turned upside down when our 23 month old son Vincent was diagnosed with a rare brain tumour called Anaplastic Ependymoma.
Vincent went through emergency surgery to remove most of the tumour followed by six weeks of radiation treatment and twelve weeks of chemotherapy.
As a mum, I didn’t cope well throughout the process but I always tried to stay strong and positive.
Without the help from the Leila Rose Foundation things would have been a lot more stressful. They were generous enough to support us financially over a two year period with paying for regular home bills and offering a counselling service.”


Total Families Supported


Families Currently Supported


Funds Distributed to Families


Amazing Volunteers

Become a volunteer

If you would like to help out, we run a number of fundraisers and functions throughout the year where we largely rely on wonderful volunteers - allowing us to maximize the funding to our supported families.


Pamela De Pomeroy

Snr Oncology Social Worker, Westmead Hospital

I am very grateful to be able to offer this extra level of support to families and I literally breathe a sigh of relief when I realise they are eligible for Leila Rose funding.

Judy Goodson

Social Worker

Families tell me Leila Rose have been fantastic and very supportive, from our perspective it is very easy to refer families after initial email.

Mary McGowan

Patient Liaison Officer, RCH, Melbourne

The Leila Rose Foundation is the one charity that does the things both big and small for families whose child has been diagnosed with a rare Pediatric Cancer.